Tutorial: The Perfect Server – Ubuntu 13.04 (nginx, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)

April 30, 2013

This tutorial shows how to prepare an Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) server (with nginx, BIND, Dovecot) for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: Apache or nginx web server, Postfix mail server, […]


Tutorial: The Perfect Server – Ubuntu 13.04 (Apache2, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)

April 26, 2013

This tutorial shows how to prepare an Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) server (with Apache2, BIND, Dovecot) for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: Apache or nginx web server, Postfix mail server, […]


Tutorial: The Perfect Server – CentOS 6.4 x86_64 (nginx, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)

March 28, 2013

This tutorial shows how to prepare a CentOS 6.4 x86_64 server for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: nginx web server, Postfix mail server, MySQL, BIND nameserver, PureFTPd, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, Mailman, […]


ISPConfig released

ISPConfig is available for download. This release is a bugfix release for ISPConfig 3.0.5. For a detailed list of changes, please see the changelog section below. ===================================================== *** New! The ISPConfig 3 manual for ISPConfig 3.0.5 is now available! *** Version 1.4 for ISPConfig >= 3.0.5 (Date: 02/22/2013) Author: Falko Timme <[email protected]> 373 pages […]


Tutorial: How To Use Multiple PHP Versions (PHP-FPM & FastCGI) With ISPConfig 3 (Ubuntu 12.10)

March 26, 2013

Since ISPConfig 3.0.5, it is possible to use multiple PHP versions on one server and select the optimal PHP version for a website. This feature works with PHP-FPM (starting with PHP 5.3) and FastCGI (all PHP 5.x versions). This tutorial shows how to build PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 as a PHP-FPM and a FastCGI […]


Tutorial: How To Use Multiple PHP Versions (PHP-FPM & FastCGI) With ISPConfig 3 (Debian Wheezy)

March 17, 2013

Since ISPConfig 3.0.5, it is possible to use multiple PHP versions on one server and select the optimal PHP version for a website. This feature works with PHP-FPM (starting with PHP 5.3) and FastCGI (all PHP 5.x versions). This tutorial shows how to build PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 as a PHP-FPM and a FastCGI […]


Tutorial: The Perfect Server – CentOS 6.4 x86_64 (Apache2, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)

March 14, 2013

This tutorial shows how to prepare a CentOS 6.4 x86_64 server for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: Apache web server, Postfix mail server, MySQL, BIND nameserver, PureFTPd, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, Mailman, […]


Tutorial: How To Use Multiple PHP Versions (PHP-FPM & FastCGI) With ISPConfig 3 (CentOS 6.3)

March 12, 2013

Since ISPConfig 3.0.5, it is possible to use multiple PHP versions on one server and select the optimal PHP version for a website. This feature works with PHP-FPM (starting with PHP 5.3) and FastCGI (all PHP 5.x versions). This tutorial shows how to build PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 as a PHP-FPM and a FastCGI […]


Tutorial: The Perfect Server – Ubuntu 12.10 (nginx, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)

March 7, 2013

This tutorial shows how to prepare an Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) server (with nginx, BIND, Dovecot) for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: Apache or nginx web server, Postfix mail server, […]


Tutorial: How To Use Multiple PHP Versions (PHP-FPM & FastCGI) With ISPConfig 3 (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)

Since ISPConfig 3.0.5, it is possible to use multiple PHP versions on one server and select the optimal PHP version for a website. This feature works with PHP-FPM (starting with PHP 5.3) and FastCGI (all PHP 5.x versions). This tutorial shows how to build PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 as a PHP-FPM and a FastCGI […]
