ISPConfig 3.0.4 Beta 1 available for download

The first beta version of the upcoming ISPConfig 3.0.4 is available for download. Beta versions are released for testing purposes, it is not recommended to use them on production systems.
ISPConfig 3.0.4 is a major release with many new features and bugfixes.
– New module for virtual server management. It uses OpenVZ containers to virtualize servers. Tutorials for this new module will get released soon. If you want to try it out right now, then you can use the basic setup from this tutorial:
Please be aware that the Debian openvz kernel requires that filesystem quota is disabled. So it is recommended that you dont use a server that hosts websites as virtual machine host, or your websites will loose the quota restriction.
– Added support for nginx (>= 0.8.21) Webserver
Please note that nginx version >= 0.8.21 is required if you want to use ISPConfig 3 with nginx. In addition to that, PHP-FPM has to be installed (Lighttpd’s spawn-fcgi is not supported). For example, installation instructions for nginx/PHP-FPMcan be found here:
Ubuntu 11.04: http://www.howtoforg…on-ubuntu-11.04
CentOS 6.0: http://www.howtoforg…t-on-centos-6.0
OpenSUSE 11.4: http://www.howtoforg…n-opensuse-11.4
For CGI support, fcgiwrap has to be installed, as shown in chapter 4 on http://www.howtoforg…ze-ubuntu-11.04
– Added support for mailman mailinglists
– Added support for IPv6 addresses in websites
– IP addresses can now assigned statically to clients
– Protect web folders with .htaccess / .htpasswd files.
Note: The javascript YUI framework has been replaced with JQuery. If you use custom themes, you will have to modify your theme.
Update instructions
cd /tmp<br /> rm -rf /tmp/ispconfig3_install<br /> wget http://www.ispconfig….4-beta1.tar.gz<br /> tar xvfz ISPConfig-3.0.4-beta1.tar.gz<br /> cd ispconfig3_install/install<br /> php -q update.php